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Quiz Unit 2

Quiz Unit 2

Q 1. The other members of the House refuse to acknowledge Riddle as a Representative, citing their authority under Article I, § 5, to judge the qualifications of House members. They claim that Riddle is not qualified to be a member of the House and exclude him from the House. Under current precedents, will this exclusion be upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court? 2.Prior to Riddle’s election, West Oregifornia had passed a statute stating that “no person currently imprisoned for any felony offense shall be eligible to represent West Oregifornia or any of its districts in the United States Senate or House of Representatives.” Under current Supreme Court precedents, will this statute be effective in excluding Riddle from serving in the House? 3.Prior to Riddle’s election, West Oregifornia had passed a statute stating that “no person who is unable to travel to the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., shall be eligible to appear on the ballot to represent West Oregifornia or any of its districts in the United States Senate or House of Representatives.” Riddle, however, would still be permitted to serve if he were elected as a write-in candidate. Under current Supreme Court precedents, will this statute be upheld? 4. Grace VanderWaal—the preteen Ukulele playing winner of America’s Got Talent—decides to run for the United States House of Representatives. Grace lives in congressional district 3 in the state of New Vermont. Unfortunately for Grace, the popular pop star Taylor Swift occupies the district 3 seat. Grace decides to run for the neighboring seat—the district 4 seat—which is occupied by the unpopular district 4 resident Kim Kardashian. Grace easily defeats Kim in the election. At the start of the legislative session she arrives to the House chamber to take the oath of office. She is refused the oath on the grounds that she does not meet the qualifications for a member of Congress. May she be excluded? 5.After Kim Kardashian loses her seat to Grace VanderWaal, she decides to run against Paris Hilton, the longtime Congresswoman from district 5. Kim, recall, lives in district 4. She defeats Hilton in a close race. When she arrives at the start of the legislative session to take the oath of office she is refused the oath on the grounds that she does not meet the qualifications for a member of the House of Representatives. May she be excluded?

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1. B. No 2.B. No 3. B. No 4.Answers: A. Yes